Art: to Me

My professor Deidre Pike instructed us to write a blog on our own artistic expression and followed by “if you absolutely feel you have no artistic expression to contribute, please share the public work of an independent artist, musician or writer that you know”. Personally, I would like to first argue that if you have a Facebook or Instagram, you indeed express an artistic side whether you see it or not. Facebook and Instagram are both platforms that allow individual’s of the world to create posts that they feel suit them. I also think having a WordPress blog, whether for class or for fun is an artistic expression of language. Therefore, with my argument stated…I hope you hopeless creatives find inspiration somewhere!


For me, art is about the simplicity behind complexity. To break that down a bit, I like to look for the mundane within the sacred. I prefer the way gold is smelted rather than worn. I feel everything in life has a purpose and it’s most beautiful purpose may not be to be worn as a fashion statement! With that said, I would like to state I am a beginner (and I mean very very beginning) holistic farmer. I have been doing research for quite sometime now, on marijuana cultivation and farming. Not to mention, my senior thesis and sixty source annotated bibliography is going to be on Humboldt County marijuana cultivation and environmental effects! I find the history behind the cultivation of marijuana to be fascinating and intriguing as we have an ever-growing commercial industry rising before our eyes.

I began growing marijuana last semester for the first time and found that it is not as easy as many would think. You cannot just drop a seed in some soil and smoke some marijuana. Cultivating marijuana involves a lot of patience, and attention to detail. There are hundreds of books, videos, articles, etc. on what individual’s think are the best ways to grow marijuana. Personally, I think growing marijuana is going to be different for every seed. Just like babies, not every baby requires the same nutrients or care, the same goes for marijuana plants.

I think growing marijuana is an art form because everyone does it differently. I also think the end result of how the marijuana comes out can be considered an art form as people look for bright trichomes and crystallized flower buds. I have made growing marijuana a cultural art form for myself as I grow it with purpose. The purpose I have in growing marijuana is to examine how different nutrients create different effects, much like how an inkblot test as known as a Rorschach test never produces the same image. I find it fascinating how different chemical and water levels effect the size of the leaf structure, and flower bud density. Although I am just beginning, I have learned some helpful tips and tricks through popular media sources like on what nutrients to buy and how much to use.


I chronicle my growth through a series of photographs on Instagram which serves as my platform to show the world my art. I follow a list 30 different growers who also do the same. We exchange likes and comments, and express how we support one another through sharing these photographs. I feel art can be just about anything someone sees purpose behind. Does that make life, art? I guess only you can decide that! For me, I find a sense of relaxation in tending to my plants daily which is why I feel growing marijuana has purpose in my life. What do you do that makes you feel some sort of emotive? Do you consider that to be an art form? Is it not interesting how daily activities can be seen as art forms?

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9 thoughts on “Art: to Me

  1. “Does that make life, art?” I really like your twist on this post. Even from your stance of social media being a form of art and expression, your post was really thought provoking on what art really means. I also like the way you described your journey of marijuana growth. “Cultivating marijuana involves a lot of patience, and attention to detail.” My partner works on a farm and this is so true! Even down to the pH of the water you use affecting the absorption of nutrients, it’s quite a process. Thanks for sharing your journey

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lauren, I am wishing you the best of luck in your marijuana farming and on writing your thesis. You already have so much interest and passion on this topic so I am sure your thesis is going to turn out great! I felt very inspired after reading your post and liked how you stated that expressive art can be many things, so thanks for you well-thought out argument on that. It is true, that if we have an Instagram and Facebook and post, we are expressing ourselves. Thanks for this post! -amanda

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Interesting post since I also wrote about my art form and how I don’t consider myself an artist per say but I do practice some form of art in my work. I work on my website (still in development) and I consider it an art-form since it requires a lot of design both aesthetically and performance-wise. Making the website easier and more efficient to use requires a lot of creativity and reminds me a lot of art.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is perfect. You make an apt point about social media = art.
    Growing anything — marijuana, wine grapes, tomatoes — is a super demanding art form, as well. I enjoyed your discussion of these topics and your illustrations. Artful writing! Life is, indeed, art as broadly defined by us.
    Fantastic post, thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lauren,
    That was a great post! I haven’t ever thought about my social media being an art form. I agree with Professor Pike, growing anything is super demanding art form, not only that but it’s hard. I remember being young, and living with my grandmother. Every Summer we would plant stuff, she would be out there every early morning. Pulling weeds and making sure the fruits and vegetables, or flowers looked nice. Great work!


  6. Hi Lauren,
    I like your post. I think that is cool that you are growing and use that as your art for this blog, and I think your argument backs up your position very well. I hope it continues to be fun and goes well!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Gardening and cultivating and growing are certainly artistic pursuits, especially with so much of your energy, time, heart, and mind invested into the practice. I worry that the TLC each seed needs, as you describe, will be lost as industrialized grows become the norm. Yet, my boyfriend in Berkeley tells me that “artisanal” Humboldt weed goes for a much higher price (and comes in cuter packaging) than any other in the Bay Area dispensaries. Take what you will from that information. Best of luck to you and your plants!


  8. Great Post! Nice introduction and explanation of art, it really got me thinking. Great to see your passionate in this ground breaking industry.
    -Daniel Belong


  9. I love your post. It takes a true artist to grow and cultivate plants. Take it from a genuine plant killer. Try as I might I can’t get a plant to keep on going. If you love growing marijuana then you are expressing yourself as much as any artist.

    Liked by 1 person

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