Incredibles 2

I’m going to start with just plain honesty. I have not quite seen either the Incredible’s 2 or Coco, only parts of both. So do not worry, there are no spoilers here! I did however read a few articles on both animations and found they incorporate main controversial ideas. The Incredible’s 2 features Helen Super, the Incredible’s mom as the problem solving, bread winning character which stirs up quite a controversy. Coco, on the other hands, main character is a 12-year-old boy named Miguel who has to make a detrimental decision between his music and his life.

  Coco by Pixar, in my opinion, is about a boy who’s culture ultimately consumes him. In Coco, main character Miguel accidentally gets stuck in the Land of the Dead.  Upon entering the Land of the Dead, Miguel meets another character named Hector who helps Miguel along his way in the Land of the Dead. It is not until later within the story that Hector is revealed to be a very important figure in the past makings of Miguel (no spoilers). I found the bits and pieces of Coco in which I watched to be heart warming and very expressive of Mexican heritage.

Kenneth Turan’s article ‘Incredibles 2’ is the superhero family saga we need right now” (2018) written for the Los Angeles Times, highlights the ways both mother and father figures can provide for the children through the script of Incredibles 2. Turan explains how Elastagirl (Helen) makes the bold decision to leave the children at home with Mr. Super in order to save the world. Elastagirl in the Incredibles often makes it a point to express how males are not only the ones capable of saving the world in stating “leave the saving of the world to men? I don’t think so” which expresses a feminist perspective. I believe Turan’s purpose in writing this article is to describe the ways in which times are changing and women are becoming the front runners for many things. I feel the intended audience is anyone with curiosity as to what Incredible’s 2 has to offer and hide within the context of the dialogue. I find this article to be very exciting as superheroes were mainly male with female counterparts and now the importance is on how the women can support the family.

I think the controversy behind the Incredible’s 2 is within the way Helen becomes the main character rather than Mr. Super. Not often in mainstream culture do we see the strong female portrayed for who and what she is. I truly loved the way the Disney finally (yes, finally) made a female character the bread winner! I feel popular culture within movies is ever-changing and the importance of strong women empowerment will continue!

5 thoughts on “Incredibles 2

  1. Hi Lauren,
    Great post. I haven’t seen the new Incredibles movie yet, but now I am even more excited to see it! I think it is great to hear the female character is the “bread winner” and I am disappointed to hear there is controversy about this, one would hope that this would be openly accepted.

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  2. Hey Lauren,
    I also like how Disney stepped up making Elastigirl the main character. On top of that Frozone the African American super hero voiced by Samuel L Jackson got a lot more screen time. I think its great that big complains like Disney are putting characters in the spotlight that normally aren’t. Great blog post.

    Liked by 2 people

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